◄-- Mother Teresa |
Noel Peebles Quotes"Successful Small Business Entrepreneur" |
Drucker --► |
“Get over blaming the world around you. Get over guilt. Get over resentment. Concentrate on getting YOUR act together. Take control and take full responsibility for your life.”
Noel Peebles
"Surround yourself with people who will make you feel better about yourself. Seek out people who focus on what's right and good, rather than what's wrong and bad." - Noel Peebles "If you don't know what you want and why you want it, how can you make a realistic plan to get it?" - Noel Peebles "Motivation happens when you mix: the forces of discontent with things as they are, with the power of hope for things as they might be. A combination of these positive and negative forces will trigger the motivation to take action." - Noel Peebles "Success in life depends on your own personal level of motivation, dedication, and commitment. Your level of motivation will determine what you do and your attitude will determine how well you do it." - Noel Peebles "Success is a chain of events. It occurs when opportunity is linked with preparation... which in turn is linked with hard work... which is then linked with action." - Noel Peebles "Success or failure in business doesn't happen overnight. It doesn't happen - accident. Success in business is a mix of thinking, systems and actions - all working together, day in and day out." - Noel Peebles " Discontent is often a prelude to success. However, wanting something is not enough. Hope is no replacement for action. Your motivation must be totally compelling if you are to conquer the obstacles that will test you in life. Success comes to those who are truly motivated and hunger for action!" - Noel Peebles "Action is more important than just believing. Don't just dream about it, don't just believe you can... go and make it happen. Develop a sense of urgency in your life to make it happen. Take action!" - Noel Peebles "What's stopping you from living the life of your dreams? Is it your circumstances or is it what you choose to believe about those circumstances and your ability to change them?" - Noel Peebles "Present circumstances should never rule our lives. We need to look for the circumstances we want. If we can't find them, we should create them." - Noel Peebles "We have all suffered from it - that human emotion called 'fear'. It may be fear of failure, fear of success, fear of making a decision, fear of change, or even the fear of what people might think. Fear is infectious and will kill any opportunity...if we let it!" - Noel Peebles "In 20 years from now people will look back and wish that they could have started a business, invested money, bought shares or property during the early years of the new century, when there were so many new opportunities." - Noel Peebles "Working for someone else is nothing like being an entrepreneur and the boss of your own business. To become an entrepreneur requires a different plan or map. You'll be taking a different road, to a different destination." - Noel Peebles "People in the future will look back and envy what was truly, 'The Golden Age Of Opportunity.' How fortunate we are to be HERE! NOW!" - Noel Peebles "Your present life is the result of the decisions you have made over the years and the same will be true of your future. You have the power to take possession of your mind and to direct it to whatever ends you desire." - Noel Peebles "Are your current circumstances holding you back? Or is it what you choose to believe about those circumstances and your power (or lack of) to change them?" - Noel Peebles "Every day millions, probably billions, of ideas pop into the minds of people all around the world. In reality though, only a small percentage of ideas are worth the time it took for the thought. Most ideas are fleeting sparks of inspiration that go nowhere. Sadly, they get forgotten about before they ever see the light of day." - Noel Peebles "When you dare to dream, it is amazing what miracles can be achieved. Trouble is; most people never start dreaming their impossible dream." - Noel Peebles "The game of life is real and is played between the ears. The way you think determines the decisions you make. The decisions you make determines what you do. And what you do determines how successful you will become." - Noel Peebles "I believe we can learn more from the experience of others than we have time on this earth to discover for ourselves. The trick is to learn from those who have already been there. Trust their experience above those who haven't done what you want to do." - Noel Peebles "We have all been exposed to more change in the last two decades, than mankind has experienced in the past 2000 years. The situation is terrifying, frightening and awesome in its potential opportunity." - Noel Peebles "Embrace Change... if you want to become rich, it is your best guarantee of success." - Noel Peebles "The ship of life is not sinking. It's just changing direction. We have two choices: cling to the life raft of hope, or stay on board and ride the tides of change to an exciting future!" - Noel Peebles "Get over blaming the world around you. Get over guilt. Get over resentment. Concentrate on getting YOUR act together. Take control and take full responsibility for your life." - Noel Peebles "We are living in one of the most exciting periods civilization has ever known - the information age. This is a period of astounding and radical change. It's like being with Christopher Columbus on the Santa Maria... only now with computers, jet aircraft, lasers and cellular phones at our disposal." - Noel Peebles ------ Peebles has authored and co-authored some very successful Ebooks, mainly in the category of real estate -- "Home Biz Ideas Goldmine" -- "Sell Your Business The Easy Way." -- "Home $elling $ecrets" Publishing Guidelines: Quotations within this page are Public Domain and may be freely reproduced electronically or in print provided they are published as written and include author information. |
Noel Peebles |