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10 Reasons Not to Return to Your Job After Summer Vacation
by Clayton Warholm

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10 Reasons Not to Return to Your Job
After Summer Vacation
Published with permission from FabJob.

“If you spend most of your day daydreaming, then wake up and start sleeping on the job . . . Yes, you can actually get paid to be a professional sleeper.” - Clayton Warholm, marketing director of, a site that offers guidance for people pursuing their dream careers.

Finding it hard to go back to work after your summer vacation?

You're not alone. A recent online survey found 8 out of 10 people would gladly give up the 9-to-5 grind for a new career if they could.

Here are the top 10 careers that visitors to the website say they would leave their current job for. (Wonder if the choices have anything to do with how people are spending their summer. . .)

  1. Wedding Planner (is it just me, or are you going to be buying wedding presents all summer too?)
          Career Advice: 10 Steps to a "FabJob" as a Wedding Planner

  2. Professional Golfer (so that's what you're doing all those days you call in sick)

  3. Travel Writer (get paid to go on permanent vacation)
          Career Advice: Become a Travel Writer

  4. Bed and Breakfast Owner (if you can't go on permanent vacation yourself, why not get paid to help other people enjoy their vacations)
          Career Advice: Dream Career: Bed & Breakfast Owner

  5. Personal Trainer (must be from seeing all those hard bodies - or not so hard bodies - at the beach)
          Career Advice: Become a Personal Trainer: Sample

  6. Spa Owner (get pampered yourself; own a business that gives you fabulous personal and financial rewards every day.)

  7. Management Consultant (maybe all the time you've spent deep in thought over a few cold beers has given you some ideas about what you'd like to tell the boss)
          Career Advice: Steps to a Fab Job as a Management Consultant

  8. Celebrity Personal Assistant (hey, if you have to be somebody's assistant, why not make it a celebrity?)
          Career Advice: Working with a Celebrity: Sample
          10 Steps to a Fab Job as a Celebrity Personal Assistant

  9. Romance Writer (all those hot romance novels you read during the summer get your creative juices flowing)
          Career Advice: 10 Steps to a Fab Job as a Romance Writer

  10. Archaeologist (can you dig it?)
          Career Advice: Become An Archaeologist: Sample
          Dream Career: Archaeologist

Shameless self-promotion:

Click here to find a career you can be passionate about.

by Clayton Warholm, marketing director of, a site that offers guidance for people pursuing their dream careers.

by Clayton Warholm:
Clayton Warholm is marketing director of, a site that offers guidance for people pursuing their dream careers. Visit to discover how to break into your dream career. is featured in Woman's World Magazine ("Land Your Dream Job" article, April 2007).

FabJob Guides have been featured in stories at The Wall Street Journal and Entrepreneur Magazine sites.

Dream Careers

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