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Make It Your Business To Increase A Childs Self-Worth
by Liz Folger, Work-at-home mom expert and founder of


Make It Your Business To Increase A Childs Self-Worth
Published with permission from Liz Folger:

Have you ever given your young child some of your junk mail and told them it was their mail? Did you see how excited they got and how important they felt? My girls would all of a sudden act like they were very important and "read" their mail as if they were the next big hotshot executives.

One thing I enjoy about children is their honest expression of their emotions. Of course it isn't pretty when your child decides to throw the fattest tantrum in the middle of your grocery shopping experience but really haven't you felt like doing that yourself at times? Imagine how much better you'd probably feel if you felt that frustration, expressed it, and then got up, dusted yourself off, and went on your way?

Children have this marvelous way of feeling their emotions, something adults should look into a bit more themselves. I think that's why as adults we receive so much pleasure giving our little ones gifts. It sure feels good when a child you love and adore shows such happy appreciation for something you've given them.

There's a business out there you can get into that helps increase a child's self-worth and can make a child very happy. So much so you are sure to get repeat business from happy parents and relatives. And really, isn't that the best form of marketing, selling your product to your satisfied customers over and over again?

When I was a child, I loved Holidays, and actually still do to this day. Holidays are a magical experience. Then there is the experience of loosing a tooth or days a child is extra nice to their little brother and sister. They say positive reinforcement is the best way to remind a child how they should act. In the article "Why Positive Reinforcement Works," by Brenda L. Gargus, Brenda said, "Positive communication is a tool to reinforce good behavior and eliminate bad behavior; it builds self-esteem and inspires confidence in children."

What if you could actually start a business from home and your business was to increase a child's self-confidence, and offer a service where parents could use a form of positive reinforcement with their kids?

An online article at talks about how self-esteem as a child effects your adult years. It explains that, "Self-esteem is your child's passport to lifetime mental health and social happiness. It's the foundation of a child's well being and the key to success as an adult. At all ages, how you feel about yourself affects how you act. Think about a time when you were feeling really good about yourself. You probably found it much easier to get along with others and feel good about them." offers the above and a whole lot more. Some of you might have heard about the business of Santa Letters. This is where a parent fills out a form about the child including information such as the names of their friends, siblings, pets, activities they do very well, etc. Then you use the information to create a very personalized letter for that child and send it to them during the Christmas Holiday.

The Bizyletters opportunity offers Santa Letters, but it also offers templates for letters from the tooth fairy, the Easter Bunny, the Great Pumpkin and too many more to mention here.

Wouldn't it be nice if someone asked you what you did for a living and you could say, "My job is to make children feel very very special and most importantly loved?" Gifts might come and go, but a letter from Santa, or the tooth fairy is something parents keep to put in scrapbooks, and baby books. It's a special memory for a child who has no doubt he must be the most important person in the world.

If you'd like more information about starting your own Bizyletter business please CLICK HERE!

Liz Folger is the founder of The #1 Goal of is to help women find a business they are proud to own, and then help them, step-by-step, make their home business dream a reality. has been helping moms become business owners since 1997. The site offers many resources from online chats to e-books and online classes. Just recently they’ve added home business career kits that are proving to be quite popular and much needed.

Career Kits offered by

by Liz Folger:
Liz Folger is a Work-at-home Mom Expert. For more information on starting this business visit:!

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