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In a recent article we said one way to become known as a difficult person is to tell people what they're doing wrong. However, that's only if your feedback isn't wanted. Instead of trying to keep quiet when you notice something that needs to be improved, why not consider a career where you'll be appreciated for saying what you think. If you have a knack for noticing when something's wrong, here are some careers where you can get paid to tell it like it is: Mystery ShopperHave you ever received poor customer service and wished you could have done something about it? As a mystery shopper, also known as a secret shopper, you will get paid to pose as a typical shopper so you can give companies feedback about their employees' customer service, sales ability, product knowledge, procedures, and professionalism. Reviewer"I laughed, I cried. . . I only wish I hadn't laughed at the serious parts and cried about how much it cost." If you have an eye for the arts, and a way with words, you could get paid to review art, books, plays, music, or movies. Image ConsultantImagine being paid to answer truthfully when someone asks, "Do I look fat in this?" As an image consultant, you could have a rewarding career showing people and companies how to make a fabulous impression. You might get paid to give people feedback about their overall image (also known as makeover consulting) or you might advise them on how to improve specific aspects of their image such as wardrobe, makeup, or vocal and non-verbal communications. Food CriticWhile it's usually not wise to critique Easter dinner with the in-laws, you could turn your fondness for food and your flair for feedback into a career as a food critic. Etiquette ConsultantWould you love to tell people what you think about their rude behavior? If you can do it politely, a career in etiquette consulting may be right for you. As an etiquette consultant, you can coach adults or children about proper behaviors. With your help, the sloppy eater who used to offend people could be transformed into the charming gentleman who everyone wants to invite to dinner. Private InvestigatorAs a private investigator, you could use your talent for noticing what's not right to help solve crimes, find missing persons, investigate fraud, or find evidence to keep an innocent person out of jail. Professional OrganizerAs a professional organizer, you will tell people what's wrong with the way their home or office is organized. Some of the projects you may take on are controlling clutter, developing filing systems, space planning, and storage design to make things right for your clients. Being paid to give honest feedback to people who need it is a rare privilege. If you don't mind dealing with the odd person who isn't happy to hear what you have to say, then one of these careers may be right for you. Not only will you get the chance to speak your mind, you'll get paid to help make things better. Click here to find the career of your dreams. ------------ |
by Tag and Catherine Goulet: FabJob.com is featured in Woman's World Magazine ("Land Your Dream Job" article, April 2007). FabJob Guides have been featured in stories at The Wall Street Journal and Entrepreneur Magazine sites. |