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How to Start a Scrapbooking Business

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      According to the Hobby Business Association, more than 13 million Americans enjoy scrapbooking as a pastime, and in fact, 20% of all "crafters" are part of one of the fastest growing crazes in the U.S. Gone are the days of simple albums and photos taped in. Today, a scrapbook is a work of art, a treasure trove of memories and moments that people preserve for themselves, or create as gifts for others.

If you have an artistic flare, and have taken an instructor's course in scrapbooking, you might decide to open a business that can be operated from home, either as evening "parties", or weekend brunch sessions that are conducted in other people's homes, or your own. There are many wholesalers from whom you can buy pre-assembled kits to get the beginner started, although the majority of your profits will come from establishing a relationship with wholesalers so you can supply former students with what they need for new and more ambitious projects.

Before jumping into the scrapbooking business, do the same basic research as you would for any other. Investigate how popular it is. Survey friends, family, co-workers and others on whether they are interested in the subject. Find out what supplies can be had locally, or where they can be bought for the best prices. Your aim is to provide the best services and materials possible, at competitive prices to craft or hobby stores that have more overhead than you will.

The other option, if you are not quite ready to fly on your own, is to become a consultant for an established company that sells an extensive array of supplies for scrapbooking, and pays commissions, bonuses, as well as providing incentives for increased sales. This still allows you to operate from home, while setting hours that are convenient to you and your family.

If you're interested in scrapbooking as a business, visit ScrapbookingBusinessOpportunity.com for more information on the opportunities that await.

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Related: Statistics About The Growing Scrapbooking Market

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