Brian Tracy
"America's Foremost Authority on Success"; International Speaker and Best-Selling Author
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Chris Widener
"Charting The Course To A Better Life" helping you turn your potential into performance; Popular Motivational Speaker, Consultant & Author, "The Angel Inside" by Chris Widener
ARTICLES Biography

Dorene Lehavi, Ph.D
Mastering Your Next Level "Because It's Your Life, Not Just a Living?"; Professional Business and Life Coach; Author, "Stop Doing What You Hate" by Dorene Lehavi

Gary Ryan Blair
"The GoalsGuy®"; Strategic Thinker, Author, Speaker, Coach and Consultant for Achieving Goals
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Jim Rohn
"America's Foremost Business Philosopher"; Author, Business Coach & Motivational Speaker; "Twelve Pillars CD Program" by Jim Rohn and Chris Widener

John Boe
"Recruit, Train and Motivate?" An Experienced Speaker for all your Sales Training and Motivational needs; Speaker, Author, Consultant

Mark Smock
"Business Merger And Acquisition Expert"; 'How To Do' Expert Author, Sales-Management Expert; Business Buyer Directory

Michael Green
"Product Developer and Marketing 'Guru' "; President of "How To" Corp?

Noel Peebles
Successful Small Business Entrepreneur; Leading Author and Internet Marketer; "Sell Your Business The Easy Way" by Noel Peebles

Robert Gerrish
"Going it Alone in Business"; Small Business Consultant, Coach, Speaker, Writer, Presenter

Zig Ziglar
Author and International Speaker For Personal and Business Growth
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