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8 Quick Stress-Reducing Questions To Answer Before Selling Your Home

By Noel Peebles
Author of the best-selling small business ebook
"Sell Your Business The Easy Way"

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8 Quick Stress-Reducing Questions To Answer Before Selling Your Home
Noel Peebles

Noel Peebles

    Do you really want to sell and move house? It sounds like a simple enough question, yet many homeowners would struggle with a clear answer.

Truth is, being in a state of indecision can be very frustrating and can cause needless stress for all concerned.

So, before selling your home, try answering these 8 quick questions. They will save you some stress and help you to decide if you "seriously" want to sell your home.

1. Are you starting to wonder what your home is worth?

2. Do you think about selling?

3. Is your home now unsuitable for your family requirements?

4. Do you want a complete change?

5. Would you like to live in a different area?

6. Are you unhappy with your neighborhood?

7. Are you starting to look around at other properties?

8. If you could renovate your home to meet your requirements, would you hesitate to get a loan to do it?

How many times did you answer YES? ……………

Now let's check your score:

0 to 1 YES answers: It looks like you're pretty happy with your home and there's not a lot of reason to move at the moment.

2 to 4 YES answers: You may not be ready to sell right at this moment, but you are developing some good reasons to do so in the near future. Now is the time to start planning your next move. Check out "Home $elling $ecrets"

5 to 8 YES answers: You're really busting to move! You've got some very powerful reasons to sell and now is the time for action! Check out "Home $elling $ecrets"

It really comes down to how motivated you are to sell.

Everyone has a different reason for selling and it is usually one of the first questions a buyer will ask. Your level of motivation will be the driving force as to how quick, how negotiable, or how flexible you are with the sale of your home.

Noel Peebles - "Home $elling $ecrets".

About the Author: Noel Peebles, Market Leaders Limited. Get Your 100% FREE mini-course "17 Powerful Secrets That Have Made Business Owners Into Millionaires." 100% FREE! Simply send a blank email to

FREE website with helpful Real Estate Tips:

Peebles has authored and co-authored some very successful Ebooks -- "Home Biz Ideas Goldmine" -- "Sell Your Business The Easy Way." -- "Home $elling $ecrets"

Copyright © 2008 Noel Peebles. All rights reserved.

Noel Peebles
Successful Small Business Entrepreneur and an Internet Marketing Veteran.

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